Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Smile and say thanks

Smile and say thanks

You go to bed at night, waiting to drift into slumber land and you are almost half way there when a mosquito, decides to give you company for the night. You try to ignore it for a while and put your head inside the duvet and hope it would fly away. It does, but as soon as you are about to drift off, it rears its ugly head and comes right back, aiming at your ears and this time even leaves a little reminder of his existence. You satisfy your urge by itching and deriving the momentary pleasure out of the pain.
But that is it; your night has been ruined. You can’t go back to sleep. You keep tossing and turning and cursing God’s creation. The little mosquito has ruined your night and possibly your next morning.
I had one of those nights and woke up feeling miserable, heavy head, body ache, dark circle under the eyes and all the extras that accompany a sleepless night. I woke up kicking and cursing and was about to go into the “zone”. The zone being the usual negative circle where everything goes wrong. Some call it “waking up on the wrong side of bed”. Anyway, I get out of bed, go to the bathroom, the light bulb dies, I try not to react; I try to flush, the flush does not work; I go for a shower—fortunately nothing goes wrong. I go down for breakfast and am convinced I’ll get a burnt toast or my tea would be too cold or something, but nothing goes wrong there either. By now I am smiling, aha the bad day has transformed. I go happily to my car , put in the key , drive out and there ; I have a flat tire. I start screaming like a mad woman, “I knew it, I knew it”. It was too good to be true. Something had to go wrong; after all Ihad a miserable night; a miserable morning and it would surely turn out to be a miserable day.
I had made it my reality. I was expecting miserable things to happen; I was waiting for them to happen, so why would they not?
Author, speaker, guru- Mike Dooly from the book ‘secret’ says “your thoughts become your reality”. Here I was making my thoughts my reality. I took a deep breath, and went into damage control. I started remembering all that was wonderful that morning; it was a beautiful day- just right- not too hot, not too cold. I had worn my new autumn dress. My hair was looking nice- which is not always; my daughter had woken up herself and was ready for school. My helper had made my favorite style egg. Viola; there- I had a few things to be thankful for.
Luckily my husband was home, so he could change the car tire, but he didn’t have the time, so what was the next best thing. He let me drive his Masaratti, wow! The day was turning. I drove the fancy car, got special parking and from that moment on everything started going way better than expected. All I had done was, change my thoughts from negative to positive. I had started to show gratitude, I smiled at the mirror-apparently when you smile, you can’t hold on to any negative thoughts. ( I little trick if you are so upset and can’t really smile is to contort your left side of the face and it will release the same chemicals in your brain that are released when we smile. But make sure it is the left side and not the right, the right actually makes you sad. Go and give it a try.)
So happy smiling and have a wonderful day.


Revista Xalapan said...


Revista Xalapan said...


Unknown said...

Sorry for saying thanks after so long, but just saw that you visited my blog and left a comment. Many many thanks indeed and I hope you are well and happy.